Author Archives: Kelly Furmanek

Giving and Receiving

February 7, 2017 It happened three days in a row.  The first day I read it on Facebook, the second, I read it in her book, and the third day I was listening to a completely different book on Audible and there it was again… “Until we can receive with an open heart, we are […]

February Mantra

February 3, 2017   With Valentine’s Day smack dab in the middle of the month it makes February a great month to focus on LOVE! For a good portion of my life, ‘LOVE’ seemed to only be centered around the romantic kind.  Oh, how things are changing!!!! Instead, make this month and mantra about ALL […]

January Mantra

January 19, 2017   “I will release resistance!”   What if the struggle is just what is happening at that moment?   Take the judgement off the struggle and say, “This is just what’s happening right now.”   Notice the resistance melt away and away and away.   In Health and Happiness,  

December Mantra

December 13, 2016 “I am senior in my space.” During this time of year we aspire to find an abundance of joy and seek out peaceful interactions with others.  Yet, tis’ the season to be equally faced with overwhelm, anxiety, panic, and very charged family interactions. Remembering to find and hold your space will keep […]

Energy Reading: Getting Back to YOU

November 28, 2016   “The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” – Aristotle Need answers or fresh perspective?  Feeling burdened or weighed down by a restless mind? I CAN HELP!   Here’s how it works. You present me with a specific question about any situation in life, whether it be about relationships, money, work, […]

The Shield

October 27, 2016 I wrote this post last week and have been REALLY hesitant to share it, but after contemplating it, the benefits of the sharing outweigh the backlash of potential judgment.  I feel like if you can relate to my situation as a mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend or acquaintance then you too can […]