April 26, 2016 Last week at this time, I was selling my house, getting ready to move into a new one and all was good. Then in an instant, it all changed. The buyers backed out and I was riding a roller coaster of emotions for days. I had so much fear, sadness, anger […]
Category Archives: Featured
February 23, 2016 Ever have those days, weeks or February’s where nothing seems to be going right? When it seems like everything you do, say, or try to get done falls flat. Or have you found yourself or someone you love in a place where the focus is on everything that’s going wrong? It’s […]
February 17, 2016 Here are two lovely excepts from the book falling into Grace by Adyashanti. No pun intended. “Thought is symbolic. A thought isn’t a thing. It has no reality; it is only an abstraction. A thought is, at best, a description of something we take in with our senses. And yet, […]
February 9, 2016 The realization that “I’d rather be happy than right!” has led me on an interesting path to finding more freedom in my life. At the beginning of this year, one of my resolutions was to ‘talk less, listen more, and stop arguing.” This seemed appropriate to apply to ALL of my […]
February 2, 2016 A couple of weeks ago I wrote about using food and alcohol as numbing agents to our feelings. Although they get the most attention, it’s not just food and alcohol, it might be television or being really really busy that can play into numbing our emotions. And I’ve done all […]
January 12, 2016 The toxic and haunting J-word. At a very young age I was introduced to judgment, as most young girls are. I was deep into the competitive gymnastics scene until I was 12, and immediately transitioned into the world of competitive dance and continued competing for roles in college and competing […]
January 5, 2016 Happy New Year!! I hope the year has started out just the way you wanted! In the past, my New Years resolutions have been very black and white. For example, I’m going to lose 10 pounds, I’m going to stop eating sweets, I’m going to work out 5 days a week, I’m […]
December 22, 2015 Perfect, Smerfect! There shouldn’t be such a thing! One of my intentions for 2016, is to stop using the word “perfect!” And even after I wrote this today, I responded to the librarian with, “Oh, perfect! Thanks!” Ahhh…. I laughed. There is a difference between doing the best you can and […]
December 15, 2015 I had an AHA moment this morning! A super shifter, is what I like to call it, because it shifted my beliefs in a super-b new way. It’s not just something I put on paper or thought about, but something more visceral – it was like more of my spirit woke up! […]
November 17, 2015 Sometimes things happen, big or small, that we just can’t let go of. We replay the situation over and over in our minds – it’s relentless! It’s this guilt that we tend to hold on to. And as if guilt isn’t enough, shame seems to be it’s best friend. So when one […]