January 2018 Equanimity Equanimity is defined as mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation. Equanimity is the capacity to improvise while remaining serene. It is the capacity to be present, neutral, and available. It is strength and softness with strong and clear boundaries. Equanimity is a state of […]
Category Archives: Featured
December 11, 2017 Self-care during the holiday has got to be up there on the list of priorities if you want to get through it healthy and happy! Otherwise, we may just get totally overwhelmed, not enjoy ourselves on bit or worst yet, turn into the Grinch! Last week, I woke up feeling like […]
December 3, 2015 “Interesting point of view, I have this point of view.” Thank you Access Consciousness for this months mantra, it rocks!! One of the tools I use with all of my clients is called ‘Center of Head’. Center of Head is a place of neutrality, grace and ease. It is […]
May 11, 2017 What the funk? Being in a funk is draining, distracting, and disruptive to our lives. It can last a day, a week, or sometimes even longer. What keeps it stuck is resistance. The resistance to being in a funk is what keeps it close and alive. It’s important to remember that […]
April 11, 2017 Do you ever get stuck in a rut where everything seems to be going wrong? Have you thought to yourself, my behavior is wrong, their behavior is wrong, this situation is wrong, and wait for it…this President is wrong? But, what if nothing is wrong about me? About her? About this? About […]
March 16, 2017 The power of acceptance has been coming up for me recently. Whether it’s a difference in opinion with someone else, the way someone else around me is behaving or hurtful words that have globed onto me, the answer that keeps coming up is… acceptance. Accept them for where they are! Then just […]
February 27, 2017 Ready for a change in your life, but unsure where to start? Do you wonder where to go from here, and what exactly to do to get the results you want? Likely, you know where you want to be, but are searching for a quick and easy way to get there. The […]
February 7, 2017 It happened three days in a row. The first day I read it on Facebook, the second, I read it in her book, and the third day I was listening to a completely different book on Audible and there it was again… “Until we can receive with an open heart, we are […]
October 27, 2016 I wrote this post last week and have been REALLY hesitant to share it, but after contemplating it, the benefits of the sharing outweigh the backlash of potential judgment. I feel like if you can relate to my situation as a mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend or acquaintance then you too can […]
October 4, 2016 Sometimes you’re in your flow and sometimes you’re not. When I’m not in my flow, I sometimes try to force myself back into it. Ha! So counterproductive, it really makes me laugh though, and amusement is always a good place to be. I recently got to thinking about this concept of flow […]