May 3, 2016
Through my meditation practice, I’ve unexpectedly become acquainted with my clairvoyant side.It’s freaky and fancy!It is something we are all capable of doing. Only, most have forgotten or chosen not to exercise their intuitive side for many many years. Another unexpected but, “Oh, this makes sense!,” part of my journey is that I’ve recently started using my intuitive side and am offering energy readings. It is so much fun and I love doing it! So, what does an energy reading offer? Answers and fresh perspective! Here’s how it works. You show up with a specific question about any situation in life, whether it be about relationships, money, work, or play. From there, I look at the energy and relay the information I see. This may give you more clarity or insight on where to go or what next step might be best for you. If you don’t have a specific question, I can still look at what is happening energetically in your space and give an intuitive response as to what I see and/or hear. The information that you receive is so beneficial. You get what you are open to receiving and accepting into your life in that moment. Simultaneously, internal blocks get cleared away. SO COOL!! I LOVE doing this! Did I say that already. It’s such a unique opportunity to be able to help and guide people in a completely spiritual kind of way. I love that it provides a new perspective on things you already know deep down inside to be available and true. It’s as though I’m offering a flashlight to shine on yourself so you can open up and see your full potential. Amazing knowledge about life is revealed and it’s about receiving this information in an appropriate, balanced, safe and loving space that will attribute to a beautiful outcome if one so chooses that direction. This is such a great way to care for yourself and a non traditional experience to consider adding to your internal spring cleaning routine. And of course, it’s not just limited to spring. Any time your are ready to make some changes in your life and need a little push, nudge, guidance or a new outlook, receiving a reading may give you just what you need at that moment in your life. It’s all timed out appropriately, because we are all exactly where we are supposed to be right here and right now. Let’s set it up. Please contact me if you are interested in receiving a reading! In Health and Healing,