Want to meditate, but feeling resistant to it? This meditation is for you! Whether you’re experiencing a minor roadblock or are feeling on the edge of a volatile explosion, sit, get still, release it and come back to a more peaceful you. Time 13:30
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This meditation will clear whatever is getting in the way of you having ease in your life. The struggle is not real. The struggle is a creation and so what if you can create something different, like ease? Practice holding the vibration of ease in your space so that you attract more of it! Time 14:39
With stability comes ease. When we align with our ability to ground to the earth, we notice that things flow to us with ease, time opens up in our day and we maintain calm in the midst of chaos. Starting your day with this stabilizing meditation will set the tone for how you want your day to unfold. Time 21:00
If you are feeling highly emotional, whether it’s agitated, angry, sad, or anxious, taking a pause to meditate will shift everything. When we find neutrality in the most volatile of situations the energy changes, the vibration shifts and we start to see with new eyes. A new perspective can be all it takes to heal what is happening right in front of us. Time - 15:45
It’s like taking an energetic shower. Wash off energy that isn’t serving you. You get back your energy and are able to move through your day and interactions with more confidence. Time - 13.45
A great tool in creating what you want is to get into the vibration of gratitude. Gratitude allows us to attract anything we desire. This meditation will get you into that space of gratitude and then watch and see what you are able to manifest. Time - 20:35
Create what you want by letting go of what’s getting in your way. During this meditation you’ll release the energies that are keeping you stuck. Time 13:45
Energy in motion is healing. Stagnation, for example pain, is not. Energy in motion is ease. Stagnation is dis - ease. This meditation will teach you many amazing tools to get energy moving and flowing in or out of your body. Time - 13:45
When we are handling different energies around us, we struggle with keeping our attention on one thing. Pulling our focus back to our bodies and spirit, we gain clarity and we can create what we want. Clearing out the energy we are handling will always feel good to us. You will feel lighter, more spacious, calm and clear. Time - 14:00